Shoop Da Whoop Sound Download


Belive me, its as bad as it sounds

Downloaded 334 times (8 times this week). 3 Comments on 'Shoop da Whoop 2' Notify of Guest. The Pro version of Stick Nodes has functionality for sound effects, MP4 exporting, no ads/watermark, and stickfigure filters (blur, saturation, inversion, glow, and tint). Animals/Nature Celebrities Comedians Games History Holidays Media Misc. Movies My Music Other Personal Podcasts Politics Prank Calls Radio Sound FX. To see all of 'em, download the file. In file, I'll include the text file with the ascii art, a sound file containing the 'Ima Firin' Mah Lazor' quote and the original image of Shoop da Whoop, just for a comparison.

If you think this was made in microsoft paint, well then this was ALMOST made in that, but it doesent support transperincy so i used something else.
Some changes are:
-isaac has been changed to shoop-da-whoop (even though his name is still the same)
-some items have been changed for no reason because this was my first mod and i was just messing around but the only thing i remember is making shoop-da-whoop having no charges thus being the most OP item in the game (i think)
-isaac now starts out with shoop-da-whoop and 99 of every consumable making him the most op CHARACTER
-isaac is now blue
-OTHER stupid stuff like the transition screen between floors and boss room cutseenes
x 0

- added how to install text so you can enjoy the pure stupidness without actually being smart!

Shoop Da Whoop Sound Mp3 Download

- added how to install text so you can enjoy the pure stupidness without actually being smart!

Shoop Da Whoop Sound Download
Shoop da woop is not op... It's just a rechargeable brimstone, useless if you have brimstone. Tech + tri shot + homing plus brimstone friend + max damage = op.

Shoop Da Whoop Sound Download Windows 10

  1. if script.Parent.className ~= 'HopperBin' then
  2. h.Name = 'LAZOR'
  3. end
  4. function prop(part, parent, collide, tran, ref, x, y, z, color)
  5. part.formFactor = 0
  6. part.Transparency = tran
  7. part.Size =,y,z)
  8. part.TopSurface = 0
  9. part:BreakJoints()
  10. function weld(w, p, p0, p1, a, b, c, x, y, z)
  11. w.Part0 = p0
  12. w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(a,b,c) *,y,z)
  13. function mesh(mesh, parent, x, y, z, type)
  14. mesh.Scale =, y, z)
  15. end
  16. sound ='Sound',me.Character.Head)
  17. sound.Pitch = 1
  18. bin.Selected:connect(function(mouse)
  19. if using then return end
  20. local blagh ='Model',me.Character)
  21. local paw = mouse.Hit.p
  22. prop(pa1,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really black')
  23. mesh(m1, pa1, 1.07,1,0.3,'Brick')
  24. weld(w1, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, pa1, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, -0.4, 0.9)
  25. prop(pa2,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really black')
  26. weld(w2, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, pa2, -0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.9)
  27. prop(pa3,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really red')
  28. mesh(m3,pa3,1.3,1.23,0.29,'Brick')
  29. weld(w3, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, pa3, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, -0.4, 0.9)
  30. prop(pa4,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really red')
  31. weld(w4, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, pa4, -0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.9)
  32. prop(eye1a,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Institutional white')
  33. local emesh1 ='SpecialMesh')
  34. local ew ='Weld')
  35. weld(ew, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, eye1a, 0, 0, 0, 0.45, -1.3, 1.1)
  36. prop(eye1b,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really black')
  37. local emesh1b ='SpecialMesh')
  38. local ew2 ='Weld')
  39. weld(ew2, eye1a, eye1a, eye1b, 0, 0, 0, 0.09, -0.04, 0.2)
  40. prop(eye2a,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Institutional white')
  41. weld(ew3, me.Character.Head, me.Character.Head, eye2a, 0, 0, 0, -0.45, -1.3, 1.1)
  42. prop(eye2b,blagh,false,0,0,1,1,1,'Really black')
  43. weld(ew5, eye2a, eye2a, eye2b, 0, 0, 0, -0.05, 0.07, 0.2)
  44. bill.Adornee = bill.Parent
  45. local txt ='TextLabel',bill)
  46. txt.Position =,100,0,-20)
  47. txt.FontSize = 'Size24'
  48. sound.Volume = 0.6
  49. sound.Pitch = math.random(400,900)/1000
  50. wait(0.1)
  51. local bg ='BodyGyro',me.Character.Torso)
  52. bg.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  53. bg.cframe =, paw)
  54. sound.Pitch = math.random(400,900)/1000
  55. wait(0.2)
  56. txt.Text = 'BLAARGHH!!!!!!'
  57. for i=1, 60 do
  58. local dist = (me.Character.Head.Position - paw).magnitude
  59. dist = 600
  60. bg.cframe =, paw)
  61. sound:play()
  62. prop(bewm, blagh, false, 0.4, 0.25, 1, 1, dist, 'Cyan')
  63. local mes ='SpecialMesh')
  64. bewm.CFrame =, paw) *,0,-bewm.Size.Z/2) *,0,-1)
  65. if luck 1 then
  66. cfr.Size =,1,1)
  67. cfr.Anchored = true
  68. cfr.CFrame = bewm.CFrame *,0,-bewm.Size.Z/2)
  69. ex.Parent = blagh
  70. ex.BlastRadius = 99999999999999999999
  71. ex.Hit:connect(function(part)
  72. part.Anchored = false
  73. end
  74. end
  75. bewm:remove()
  76. blagh:remove()
  77. using = false
  78. end)